Carcass Disposal Guidance
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- USDA - Carcass Management During a Mass Animal Health Emergency
- Carcass Disposal Comprehensive Review- The National Agricultural Biosecurity Center (NABC) at the Kansas State University and the US Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service partnered to produce this report which addresses the findings related the evaluation of carcass disposal options and related issues.
- Carcass Disposal Executive Summary- The executive summary of the Carcass Disposal Comprehensive Review.
- Managing Contaminated Animal and Plant Materials - Field Guide on Best Practices- This document was designed to be used as a reference for training and operations in preparing and disposing of contaminated animal and plant materials. It was produced by the Technical Support Working Group, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency, for land owners, private industry, animal producers, and local, state, federal, and military government agencies.
- USDA/NRCS Animal Mortality Facility - Emergency Disposal- This document is a Conservation Practice Job Sheet that provides guidance to the animal producer for the proper disposal of day-to-day animal mortalities.
- Disposal of Domestic Birds Infected by Avian Influenza- This document provides information to State and local decision makers addressing disposal problems associated with domesticated bird carcasses (and associated fecal material) infected by the avian influenza virus H5N1. It provides a description of successful disposal management options for infected carcasses and identifies critical considerations for decision makers. This document draws from a variety of available
resources and complements existing guidance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) Poultry Carcass Disposal Options- The purpose of this CAST Issue Paper is to provide a critical assessment of information available on methods of poultry carcass disposal under routine and catastrophic conditions.
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) Swine Carcass Disposal Options- The purpose of this CAST Issue Paper is to provide a critical assessment of information available on methods of swine carcass disposal under routine and catastrophic conditions.
- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) Ruminant Carcass Disposal Options- The purpose of this CAST Issue Paper is to provide a critical assessment of information available on methods of ruminant carcass disposal under routine and catastrophic conditions.
- Composting Animal Mortalities Manual- This manual describes the composting process and provides information on general planning considerations, building and managing the compost pile, and universal
worksheets for sizing composting facilities for all types of animal mortalities.
- Carcass Disposal Issues in Recent Disasters - Dee Ellis- This paper utilizes numerous methods of study to identify and examine the problems that routinely occur related to carcass disposal management during disasters.
- Panhandle Exercise - Report of Carcass Composting at Cactus Feeders- This plan was developed by the Franklin County (Massa chutes) Solid Waste Management District and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments. This project is funded through a USDA Rural Utilities Program Solid Waste Management grant.
- Composting Animal Mortalities/ Minnesota Department of Agriculture- This publication describes mortality composting, answers commonly asked questions, outlines what is needed to compost on your farm, explains how to compost step-by-step, and outlines applicable regulations. It also contains resources for more information.
- Animal Carcass On-farm Composting- This plan was developed by the Franklin County (Massa chutes) Solid Waste Management District and the Franklin Regional Council of Governments. This project is funded through a USDA Rural Utilities Program Solid Waste Management grant.
- Composting Livestock Mortality and Butcher Waste- This brochure provides good instructions and diagrams for on-farm composting of routine animal mortality and butcher waste.
- Bin Composting Diagram
- Windrow/Static Composting Diagram